Friday, September 29, 2017

The Miles to Church

Sunday September 17, 2017 at 11:09PM

Hello Brothers and Sisters,

I hope you are all doing well. I send my love to you all! Steung Meachey is a great area. We have been witnessing a few miracles here and there and much humbling experiences that touched many hearts all around. I just wanted to share a short but sweet testimony that Christ lives, everyday of my life, He truly does. I get to witness His living divinity everyday through the sacrifices of others and how their lives have changed! With my utmost conviction, lives are changing and it is a blessing to be a part of the experiences. There is nothing better than to share the Love I have for Christ and to spend this 1 year and half serving Christ each and everyday. It is a blessing that is so absolutely raw and natural, the blessing of being loved and being full of His love, the blessing of giving all of your heart and wanting nothing back, but the pure joy of those who received of His love. My companion and I were able to witness an experience where 3 groups of our family investigators, 2 walked miles to church after having one of the children experienced a painful accident in the morning and the other family still sacrificed to come even knowing that they are very sick. It brings me much tears of joy as we saw them crossing the road and us running to greet them and crossing the road with them. Christ's atonement and His absolute strength inspire many lives in this world! Truly, I was able to experience the verse in the scriptures "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. "-John 15:13. 

1) A family we are teaching.
2) My new comp, Sister Thouk.
3) Saying goodbye to my old area in Toul Tompong.

Sorry if it is out of order.

With much love and gratitude,
Sister Sok

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