Saturday, January 27, 2018

When I Looked Up

Sunday December 10, 2017 at 10:18pm

Hello Hello!

This week has been on the go-go-go. We have been helping President with preparing the new missionaries training and upcoming Zone conference and exchanges. It has been really good.
We thoroughly enjoyed the administration and ministration work of the mission! There is something so joyful about being near the new missionaries starting their mission in this country this week. It is so great. We also got some times in proselyting for the rest of the week and exchanges, as well. I have many tender mercies to share, but with a limited amount of time, I will sure do my best.

Sunday was a amazing. One of our family investigators gave us a call before the church service and told us that their old Japanese bike broke down. They weren't quite sure of how to fit 5 people on a broken bike. I could feel their desire of attending church so bad. With diligent prayers from our part and theirs, Heavenly Father has miraculously provided a way for them to get to church. Another tender mercy came after Sister McIllece and I were lost by the trash mountain area, because we were trying to find a short cut. Well in the midst of being lost, Sister McIllece's bike broke down. It broke down by this small road where not many people would pass by. We got a little frustrated with trying to fix the bike with no resources around us. I took a huge breath and tried as hard to be calm, because we were already late to our next lesson appointment. Then, the sweetest voice manifested itself through this man, "Hi, Can you pray for my child?" I looked up for the first time in the 20 minutes and realized I have been feeling hopeless while struggling to fix the bike and a spirit of hope surged my frame as soon as I heard the man's voice. My lips trembled and I felt so grateful for the opportunity to be in this man's crossroad.

When I looked up, my head cleared and I faced this man whose frame seemed very exhausted, yet hopeful. He was pulling a huge cart full of recycling materials. Right then and there, I became so speechless. I felt a spirit of love entered my heart. I could not help but to cry right in front of this poor man's face. Right at the moment, I knew Heavenly Father reassured us that HE IS THERE, with us, with that man. The man further said that "his child is ill and his wife needs help from God" "I know you are Christians, and please pray for my sick child". He looked at us with such hope and walked pass us. Then, this little girl's bike broke down right in front of us. We hurriedly put the bike chains back on her bike and hurriedly stopped the poor man from walking away from us. We kept talking to him and asked where his family lives. He took us to his wife and his sick child. We got to know them for a bit and asked if we could pray with them for their sick infant. Ahh, it was such a tender mercy. I know that without the struggles of that day, I don't think I would have felt the priceless value of God's hands and workmanship of miracles to the extent of how it should be felt. I don't think I would have valued the man's sincere begging voice for help if my companion and I did not struggle to overcome each of our individual challenges by working together in unity. The price to be pay is so worth the beauty we see each and everyday.

With Love and Gratitude,
Sister Sok

A picture of one of the family investigators we are sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with. Sorry my camera does not take very clear pictures. :/

My ex-comp a few weeks ago, Sister Chin with
her glasses. Me with the red scarf and Sister Chin.

New Comp!
Sis. Mcillece
While back when I was a new missionary in my training, my 1st Christmas in the country!

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