Saturday, January 27, 2018

My Heart is with Her: Where Jesus Meets us

Sunday October 29, 2017 at 9:24pm

ជំរាបសួរ បងប្អូនប្រុសស្រី,

I am still currently serving in Steung Meanchey and it is by far one of the most humble of areas in the country. The poverty and the destitute souls here truly need to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Last week, we met with one of the most beautiful families. We visited them last Tuesday. Before knocking on their door, we could hear the 12 year old daughter reading out loud to her mother. We listened to her for a bit and knocked on the door. Aww, it broke my heart when I saw them for the first time. The mother was sitting up on her bed by her daughter. Both the mother and the daughter had acidic substance/juice purposely poured on them years ago, due to a mistaken cause. The mother's body and face had been completely destroyed and her daughter's face was also severely scarred. The daughter always wears a hat to cover her head and face. We asked her if she could take of the cover and she did. Man, my heart dropped. I remember how Heavenly Father truly sent  His love for this little girl through out the whole time I was there. Her soul is so beautiful and she is always trying so hard to be a good student. While she was reading to her mother, she also had her math homework out. Ahh man, it was the sweetest thing for her to ask me to help her and to see if she solved the physics problem correctly. Knowing we both love math. It was so cute. Soon after, we started the lesson with the family. A few minutes later, the mother was so frail that she  stopped hearing what we were saying. So she helplessly fell to her bed and slept right then and there. She was so tired and her daughter felt so helpless as well, to help her mother. I just couldn't help but to look the little girl in the eyes and almost blurted out " I want you to know I love you" " But what I actually said was"Your Father in Heaven loves you so much".

Another heartfelt experience that my companion and I had was with a young 20 year old woman of the same age as me. Her brother is a member of the church and introduced her to church very recently. We didn't see the young woman at church yesterday and thought we should check in to see if she was OK. We were direct in asking to know of she has the desire to change and to experiment on the words of the Lord, in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I remember a moment when she looked at us in the eyes and starred down at the floor and said "Sisters, I can't read". I tried reading at night in the Book of Mormon, but I want to tell you " I can't read". I want to come to church and learn of the Gospel, but I can't read. I am not smart enough! Man, it was another humbling moment for the three of us.

One of the greatest opportunities anyone can have in this life is to proclaim the truth of the Gospel to the lives that are desperately thirsting for the living water. One of the greatest opportunities anyone can have in this life is simply to know and understand their relationship with their Father in Heaven and through Jesus Christ, they can know who their Heavenly Father is for them, and with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, to know of their identity and destined glory.

With my love and gratitude,
Sister Sok

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